1 Ergonomic workstation. Office workers spend many hours in front of a computer, which can lead to health problems such as back, neck, wrist, and eye pain. Therefore, it is important to provide them with an ergonomic workstation that is tailored to their individual needs and preferences. An ergonomic workstation should include, among other things, an adjustable chair and desk, adequate lighting, a keyboard and mouse suited to the size of the hand, and a monitor set at the right height and distance.

2 Flexible working hours. Office workers often have to balance their work responsibilities with their personal lives and families. Therefore, they value the ability to schedule their work time flexibly, which will allow them to better organize their tasks and adapt to different situations. Flexible working hours can consist of flexible start and end times, the ability to work remotely or hybrid, as well as flexible use of vacation or days off.

3. Development and training opportunities. Office workers want to develop and improve their professional skills. Therefore, they expect their employer to support them with training and education. Opportunities for development and training may include but are not limited to, participation in online or onsite courses, conferences, workshops, or webinars, access to educational materials or mentoring, as well as opportunities for promotion or job changes.

4 Recognition and motivation. Office workers want to be recognized and motivated for their work. Therefore, it is important to receive regular feedback from superiors and co-workers that is constructive and positive. Recognition and motivation can take many forms, such as praise, financial or non-financial rewards, bonuses, or social benefits.